Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Day 1 (for the Millonth Time)

Here I am back at Day 1 of living healthy. We got into town last night and I ate some crab rangoon as my last hurrah of eating crap for awhile.

And they were gooooood!

Today has been so-so. I had some nice eggs for breakfast, then some dry roasted almonds for a morning snack. Apparently stuffing my face for days on end means that my normal breakfast won't keep me full until lunch. I'll get back to normal eventually.

For lunch I had planned on a salad, but my normal salad place is closed for the holidays until tomorrow. Plus, I ran some lunch errands and it is COLD outside. So I got some soup from Au Bon Pain. I know they have salads, but as I already mentioned, COLD. I recorded it dutifully on SparkPeople and it actually wasn't too bad.

Tonight for dinner I'm planning on making us salmon and roasted brussels sprouts. I started throwing together a chicken avocado soup this morning in the crock pot (since it's supposed to be 9!!! degrees tonight), but I waited too long to use the avocados and they were moldy. I didn't really have a good substitute, so the soup got nixed.

I have put everything into SparkPeople and I'm at 73 net carbs for the day. Not too shabby, considering today's menu wasn't aggressively low carb.

Tomorrow morning I'm hitting my first strength training class of the new year. My fingers are crossed that it won't be too packed to move.

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