Wednesday, May 14, 2014

All Hail Prescription Drugs!

When an orthopedist (or orthopedic PA, in my case) tells you to take an anti-inflammatory, it's a good idea to do it.  The problem is, we're still trying to have a baby, right?  And the particular anti-inflammatory I've been prescribed (or really any anti-inflammatory) isn't good for an embryo.  So I haven't been taking my pain pills for a couple of weeks. 

Which is when I did too much helping with set up at the Arthritis Foundation walk, and my back muscles knotted up and I had two weekends in a row ending with severe shoulder pain plus a migraine at the end of one of those weekends.

I started taking my pills again yesterday and it's like night and day.  Yes, I still have a dull ache in my shoulder, but it's just a mild humming in the background rather than shouting in my face (and crawling up my neck and down my back).  What I have learned is that up until a month ago, my shoulder hurt really bad, but I was just Dealing With It.*  Then I had a couple of weeks of less pain, so I really, really noticed it when suddenly that pain wasn't being stifled anymore.

The point is, I'm feeling better and my perspective is a lot more cheery today.

*I have a history of breaking bones and not realizing it for a few days.  A high pain tolerance can be dangerous.

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